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Old 28-08-08, 06:26 AM
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bess55 bess55 is offline
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Default ye ask and ye shall receive

Thanks 54BTY, that makes it clearer certainly for me. So rule of thumb is:-

Gold seeded Capbadge - regular RA grenade collars (until 1971)

Silver seeded/non-seeded,double lugs or slider cap badge - proper RHA collars
with single post
(not seeded)

Unless I havnt understood it right. Thanks again mate.

Regards all


Originally Posted by 54Bty View Post
When the gold RHA badge was in use (not by many) the collar badges were the standard RA Grenade (at least one Regiment wore chromed brass collar grenades). The RHA collar badge came in circa 1971 so by then it should have had no seeding and a single lug. As the collar badge had a single lug it was easy to see who was wearing one in the beret as the EIIR in the centre was solid. The directions from the DRA were for beret and cap badges, collar badges were not considered. I have not been able to find a pattern for the two lugged badge but I know that it was worn in the beret, although as mentioned earlier most members of the RHA purchased and wore a white metal badge in the beret, most of which had two lugs.

I have yet to see a member of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery wearing a beret the khaki peaked forage cap with Gun badge is the norm.
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