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Old 07-12-22, 11:08 PM
Badger306 Badger306 is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 44

Gentlemen, thank you for your comments.

Mike, I'm curious about your reference to the Gaunt badges. Would you mind sharing a photo you found? Bill's observations align with Brooker, who was my first stop on checking into these badges. Brooker includes Gaunt badges with east-west lugs in his Veterinary Corps section, however, they only have CVC letters. Tiptaft also had collar badges similar to Gaunt's. Later, Gaunt had a design with CAV, however, this was superimposed on a maple leaf and eliminated the beaver.

These having CAVC and the fact that they are not a left/right set also had me wondering about authenticity. Seems like a lot of effort for a one off, but, there it is.
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