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Old 29-10-20, 10:41 AM
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John Mulcahy John Mulcahy is offline
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The Royal Munster Fusiliers wore a green shamrock as a backing in the service dress cap.

The style and dimensions tended to vary by battalion, for example

1st Bn. & 8th (Service) Bn. RMF, in his Aug, 1917 response to the National War Museum Questionnaire, the then OC of 1st Bn. RMF , Lt. Col R.H. Monck-Mason, provides the following information. “At Coventry, before proceeding to the Dardanelles the shamrock was adopted on the cap worn under the badge, sample attached. The larger one worn by the men and the smaller one by officers. This was adopted in February 1915”.
Later in his response he goes on to mention that after the absorption of the 8th Bn. RMF by 1st Bn. RMF on Nov. 23, 1916, “The actual cap shamrock worn by officers is a padded one with a beaded edge. I regret I have none to send you but Mssrs. B. Johnstone (Tailor) has the necessary pattern that is worn under the small brass grenade with the silver tiger on the ball of the grenade”.

2nd Bn. RMF, A green shamrock badge backing, 2¾ in. high inclusive of stem and 2¼ in. wide.

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