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Old 04-03-08, 09:32 AM
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Rockape Rockape is offline
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Originally Posted by Cardiffbloke View Post

roger that..... So who might be able to help, i have 2 extremely rare badges that need to be stripped of the gold and i dont mind paying.... Do you know a company or individual that will do it?

I'm a scientist, but not in the field you want. A jeweller who uses electroplating techniques to reverse rhodium (Rh) plating might just have the tools to complete the job. In theory, the following ionic compounds/elements should work (figures are electron potential (Volts)):

Flourine +2.87 (dangerous in this form)

Ferrous Oxide (FeO4 2-) +2.20

Cobalt 3+ +1.82 (unstable state)

O3 (oxygen radical) +2.07 (oxygen in this state is rare, except in the upper atmosphere)

The nitrogen experiment mentioned above would probably fracture your badge in many places (thermal shock).

The reason that gold is the alchemists dream metal, is its lack of reactivity with other species. It is a super-conductor of electricity and doesn't oxidise easily when exposed to atmospheric oxygen (tarnish). This is your biggest problem. Gold is hard to destroy.

A jeweller with the equipment and skills will be your best bet.

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