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Old 19-09-13, 12:18 AM
Redstar1 Redstar1 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by 54Bty View Post
Maybe they all use the same, mine came from an Egyptian LtCol.

Your close, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria used to have a lot of their insignias made in Egypt due to the Quality. However, ever since the creation and collapse of the United Arab Republic during the 1960s, many of those nations were looking to set a standard for their insignia of the Arab State Armed Force. However when it collapse many of these nations were left with extra stock left over from the failed Arab State. They didn't change them too much just in case if there was ever a United Arab State was to be ever established in the future. That is the reason why so much of the insignia look the similar such as the Syrian, Iraqi ( Saddam Period), and Egyptian paratrooper wings looking very similar to one another...
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