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Old 28-07-21, 11:34 AM
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Milmed Milmed is offline
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My answer is purely speculative, and I would say it was a matter of economics. The Great Depression was under the way when SA Infantry regiments dropped the numbered system and there would not have been money to redesign and re-issue badges.

Most of the numbered regiments had the number as part of the shoulder title, so it was simply a matter of cutting the number off leaving the designation of the regiment.

If I recall correctly, only Pretoria Regiment, Transvaal Scottish and First City had the number as part of the cap badge design. Both TS and FC retained the number in the design and PR only changed as the Regiment name changed to 'Princess Alice own Pretoria Regiment' which was incorporated into a complete redesign of the cap and collar badges. Funding for this may have come from Princess Alice herself but that is only speculative.

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