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Old 12-12-10, 12:52 AM
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ASR142 ASR142 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 957

I am a dealer and have read this thread a few times over the last few days I my self only have 2 rules when it comes to items being returned to me they must be in the same condition as sent to you and You must be happy with the item or return it to me ( You guys are my bread and butter so I will not argue with you and tend to take your word for it and learn by my mistakes ) I try not to make mistakes but this alass may happen due to the nature of this hobby now and I cant know everything .
I do sell to some of this countrys top dealers ie Geoff Newman , Rod Flood , bosleys etc etc on a very frequent basis and an army of collectors I am not perfect in every way but am learning through time and paintance from the guys at what I would say are the OLD SCHOOL and put the custermers 1st this alass is how it should be the custermer is right and if they are not happy just refund them ( normally the post as well 1 way ) or replace the item with somthing from stock if they prefer it !!!
I do not mind being corrected I learn this way and think forums are very usfull way to learn from you guys who collect and have learned through the years and alass mistakes , ones knolage should be shared freely with no prejudice towards any person .
all ways happy to refund steve
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