Thread: Rank pips
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Old 01-07-08, 09:23 AM
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John Cameron John Cameron is offline
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Default Different Pips

With a few exceptions, most of the minor variations found in pip (star) size and finish appear to be differences in manufacturer. Obviously smaller size pips were worn by Brigadiers, in order to fit 3 onto the epaulette. Small pips were also worn on mess dress. Bright frosted silver and dull blackened silver were worn by both the Canadian Intellegence Corps and Chaplains. Chaplains also wore blackened bronze. Both dull bronze and gilt were worn on service dress.
Enamelled and unenamelled pips appear to have been worn without regard to pattern .
From the top: 2 very small gilt RCMP mess dress 1930s; 6 small Brigadiers service dress 1940s; frosted silver crown and pip, C INT C blue patrols late 1940s; bronze crown and pip service dress 1940s; gilt enamelled and gilt plain, service dress 1940s - 1960s; bright silver C INT C service dress 1960s; 2 small dull silver RCAChC blue patrols 1960s.
NB: the pips were properly worn with the single center crown at the bottom.
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