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Old 09-04-16, 03:01 AM
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badjez badjez is offline
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Default Limited vocabulary

I agree wholeheartedly with Mike.

The use of swearing indicates that the user does not have the ability to express themselves in English: as Peter says, they have a limited vocabulary.

Sadly however, some people do use it for effect- take Billy Connelly for example, off stage he is well spoken, but put him in front of a live audience and he gets potty mouth.

If you constantly use the F word it it does tend to demean the user in my view.

Having said that, the use of it was so wide spread that Ronnie Barker realised Porridge could not be scripted without using swearing. If his cast swore the show would not be on before the 9pm watershed so he introduced an non-swearing expletive 'Naff'. So if you must swear how about using this word instead.


PS- hopefully I made proved I didn't need to swear to get my point across.
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