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Old 13-04-19, 11:40 PM
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Guzzman Guzzman is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Royal Naval Barrackmaster?

I'll be perfectly honest with you and admit that I've never believed that it was a button for a Barrackmaster either. I've seen quite a few of them advertised as such and I just wanted to know where they got the information re it's identity from. Or is it simply, as is so often the case, the initials just happen to fit the title.

I know that Barrackmasters did exist in the past in RN barracks but these were all serving naval personnel. As such they wore RN uniform, so why would they even need a special button?

I get tired of the 'identification' of such buttons without any information to back them up. And even more annoyingly everyone else then goes on to use that spurious identification to identify their own examples of the button and it spreads until it is accepted as gospel by the collecting community.

For some reason naval buttons seem particularly prone to this problem.

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