Thread: Burned Badges
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Old 16-12-09, 03:58 AM
edstorey edstorey is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 791
Default Burned Badges

In 1974 my family had just returned from three years in Germany and while we were in Ottawa visiting family when we got word that the warehouse containing all of our furniture and effects had burned down a few days prior to our arrival. My Father had a pretty extensive badge and insignia collection that had been stored in a metal filing cabinet which was recovered from the building. All of the cloth as well as the plastic badges were destoyed in the fire and the metal insignia was in a charred heap in the bottom of each drawer. He dumped everything into a wooden box were is sat for nearly a decade when he gave it all to me (he nearly sold it all several times). I replaced much of the cloth and restored or replaced the metal insignia, here is an example of what an average recovered badge looked like. In this case I purchased a RCAC replacement as in the early 1980s, they were inexpensive.

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