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Old 07-07-18, 08:24 AM
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Guzzman Guzzman is offline
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Default H.M.S. Cap Tally

I can confirm that HMS cap tallys were used during the Falklands Conflict on the deep sea trawlers which were taken into use as deep sea minesweepers. Although they were given the prefix 'HMS', i.e. H.M.S. Northella, no cap tallys were produced for them. The crews were instead issued with H.M.S. tallys.

Large stocks of these were held in naval stores and since the closure of many establishments and victualling yards in the 1990s thousands of these have come onto the market.

I can also confirm that ratings sentenced to a period in the Royal Naval Detention Quarters at Portsmouth (now the Royal Marines School of Music) were issued with H.M.S. tallys for the duration of their stay.

And the Sea Cadets have never used H.M.S. tallys as they are not part of the Royal Navy, despite their officers holding commissions in the RNR.

I know that none of this actually helps to date your example but hopefully it is of some use! I think it is fair to say that the vast majority of HMS tallys found are post-war.

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