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Old 18-06-09, 03:34 PM
revdougal revdougal is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 313

Dress Regs India 1913, para 29 states that a white pagri to be worn on the (Wolseley) Helmet, although "Regimental pattern pagris may be worn when authorised". "The Badge is worn in the centre of the pagri or on the front of the Helmet, when it is of a size which cannot be conveniently attached to the pagri".
In1926 the Gunners regularised their "pagri badges", calling them "Helmet patches". In British RA Units all ranks wore the badge upon a Red/Blue diamond on the LHS of the Helmet. In the Indian Mountain Arty the attached British officers did likewise, but the soldiers wore the same patch on the upper left arm, since they wore a "turban" without any badge. It now seems that these patches always go under the generic term of "pagri badges".
Indian soldiers of other regiments at this time were distinguished usually by their shoulder titles, as well as by the colour/shape of their turbans.
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